AbstractDatabase - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
Base implementation of Database.
AbstractDatabase() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Constructs an AbstractDatabase.
AbstractDatabase.TypeInfo - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
AbstractDatabase.TypeInfo(int, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase.TypeInfo
AbstractStoreInfo - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans
Deprecated. Use PersistentClass annotations instead.
AbstractStoreInfo(Class) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
Deprecated. Constucts an instance of AbstractStoreInfo.
add(Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.IMultiValueContainer
add(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.MultiValueContainer
addFieldName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.IndexDescriptor
addPropertyName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Index
Adds a property name to the index.
autoIncrementColumnNumber() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Returns the column number of the auto-increment value found in the result set of the query provided by getAutoIncrementRetrievalStatement.
autoIncrementDeclaration() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Override to provide field declaration qualifier for auto-increment fields.


bean - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.BeanWrapper
BeanFactory<T> - Interface in net.sourceforge.pbeans
BeanUnmarshaller - Interface in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
BeanWrapper - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
BeanWrapper(Long, Object) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.BeanWrapper
beginTransaction(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Begins a transaction.
beginTransaction(int) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
Starts a transaction.
beginTransaction() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Begins a database transaction with isolation level TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED.
beginTransaction(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Begins a database transaction with a given transaction isolation level.


canSetNullableOnTableAlter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Determines if the database is able to alter existing fields such that their nullable status changes (and the change is reflected in database metadata.) This implementation returns true by default.
close() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.ResultsIterator
ConversionException - Exception in net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet
ConversionException(Class, String, String) - Constructor for exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet.ConversionException
create(Store) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
Deprecated. Creates an instance of the class passed to the constructor of this AbstractStoreInfo instance.
create() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.BeanFactory
create(Store) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
Creates a new instance of the class described by this StoreInfo instance.
Criteria - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans
Criteria is a simple HashMap with additional bells and whistles.
Criteria(Map, Operator) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Creates new criteria using specified operator mapping and default operator.
Criteria(Map, LogicalOperator) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Creates new criteria using specified operator mapping and default logical operator.
Criteria(Map, Operator, LogicalOperator) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Creates new criteria using specified operator mapping and default logical operator.
Criteria(Map, Operator, Map, LogicalOperator) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Creates new criteria using specified operator mapping and default comparison operator and default logical operator.
Criteria(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Creates new criteria using specified operator mapping.
Criteria() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Creates new criteria.


Database - Interface in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
Interface intended to be an abstraction for a any database.
DatabaseFactory - Interface in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
Factory of Database instances.
DefaultDatabaseFactory - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
Base implementation of the DatabaseFactory interface.
DefaultDatabaseFactory(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.DefaultDatabaseFactory
delete(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Removes a persistent object from storage.
delete(Object, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Deletes an object's database representation.
delete(Class, Map) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Deletes all database records that match the given criteria.
DuplicateEntryException - Exception in net.sourceforge.pbeans
Thrown when a database record cannot be inserted because there's already an entry with equal unique-index values or primary keys.
DuplicateEntryException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.DuplicateEntryException
DuplicateEntryException(Exception) - Constructor for exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.DuplicateEntryException
DuplicateEntryException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.DuplicateEntryException


endTransaction(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Ends a transaction.
endTransaction(boolean) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
Ends a transaction.
endTransaction() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Ends a transaction previously begun by a call to Store.beginTransaction().
endTransaction(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Ends a transaction previously begun by a call to Store.beginTransaction().
ensureTableExists(String, FieldDescriptor, Collection, Collection) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Makes sure that a table exists.
ensureTableExists(String, FieldDescriptor, Collection, Collection, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Creates a table if necessary.
ensureTableExists(String, FieldDescriptor, Collection, Collection, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
Ensures that a table exists and modifies fields and indexes as needed.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.IndexDescriptor
Compares this IndexDescriptor to another.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.GlobalPersistentID
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Index
Compares this Index with another.
EQUALS - Static variable in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.Operator
Common operator equals ("=").
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentID
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.SimpleOperator
Compares this simple operation to other object.


FieldDescriptor - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
Describes a table column.
FieldDescriptor(String, int, boolean, String[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
Constructs a FieldDescriptor.
FieldDescriptor(String, int, boolean, String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor(String, int, String[]) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor(String, FieldDescriptor) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor(FieldDescriptor, String[]) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor(String, int) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor


GenericDatabase - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
Deprecated. No longer used.
GenericDatabase() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDatabase
GenericDataSource - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
An implementation of DataSource that can be used with any JDBC driver.
GenericDataSource() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
GenericDataSource(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
get(TKey) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentMap
Gets a persistent instance mapped to a string.
get(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets a persistent object previously associated with a name using the put() method.
getAutoIncrementRetrievalStatement(Connection) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets a PreparedStatement instance that can be used to retrieve the auto-increment value of a record just inserted.
getAutoIncrementRetrievalStatement(Connection) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDatabase
getAutomaticPrimaryKeyIndexName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets the name of an implicit index created when there's a primary, as reported in database metadata.
getBeanClass() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
getBeanClass() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
getBeanIterator(ConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper, ResultSet, BeanUnmarshaller) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Given a ResultSet, this method returns an iterator of BeanWrapper's.
getBeanWrapper(ResultSet, BeanUnmarshaller, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Converts current ResultSet data into a BeanWrapper.
getCachedObject(GlobalPersistentID) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets a persistent object from main memory, if available.
getChangeFieldStatements(Connection, String, FieldDescriptor, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets a sequence of Statements that can modify a field's type and whether it's nullable.
getChangeFieldStatements(Connection, String, FieldDescriptor, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDatabase
Deprecated. Changes field type and other settings by copying data to a temporary field.
getClassLoader() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
getClassLoader() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
Gets a class loader which may be used to find the underlying StoreInfo class.
getClassName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.GlobalPersistentID
getConnection(Properties) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
getConnection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
getConnectionWrapper() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets a connection wrapper from the internal connection pool.
getCreateFieldStatements(Connection, String, FieldDescriptor, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets a Statement that adds a field to a table.
getCreateIndexStatements(Connection, String, IndexDescriptor, Map<String, FieldDescriptor>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets a sequence of Statements that create one index.
getCreateTableStatement(Connection, String, FieldDescriptor, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets a Statement that creates a table with a single field.
getDatabase(DataSource) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.DatabaseFactory
Should build a proper Database implementation depending on the underlying RDBMS given by store.
getDatabase(DataSource) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.DefaultDatabaseFactory
Implements the DatabaseFactory interface.
getDeclaration() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase.TypeInfo
getDefaultComparisonOperator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
getDefaultLogicalOperator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
getDropIndexStatements(Connection, String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets a sequence of Statements that remove one index.
getFieldDescriptor(Store, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
Deprecated. Gets a field descriptor for a property if its compile-time type is a primitive type, a boxed primitive type, String, java.util.Date, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Timestamp, java.sql.Time, byte[], or Persistent.
getFieldDescriptor(Store, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
Gets a field descriptor for the given PropertyDescriptor.
getFieldName(StoreInfo, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets the field name into which a JavaBean property name is mapped.
getFieldNames() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.IndexDescriptor
getGlobalPersistentID(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
getIdField() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
getIDField() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.BeanUnmarshaller
getIdField() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
getIndexes(Store) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
Deprecated. Returns non-unique Index instances for all JavaBean properties that are persisted except those of type BLOB.
getIndexes(Store) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
Gets indexes that should be used in the underlying database table.
getIndexFieldName() - Method in exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet.MissingEntryException
getIndexFieldValue() - Method in exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet.MissingEntryException
getKeyLength() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.IndexDescriptor
getKeyLength() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Index
getLogicalOperator(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Returns logical operator associated with specified key.
getLogicalOperatorMap() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
getLogWriter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
getMaxColumnNameLength() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets the maximum length of a column name in this database.
getMaxColumnNameLength() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
getMaxColumnNameLength() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets the maximum column name length supported by the underlying database.
getMaxTableNameLength() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets the maximum length of a table name.
getMaxTableNameLength() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
getMaxTableNameLength() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
getMemoryObjectCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets the number of objects currently in main memory maps.
getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.IndexDescriptor
getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentMap
getObject(TKey) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentMap
getObject(GlobalPersistentID) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets a persistent object given its unique ID.
getObject(GlobalPersistentID, ClassLoader) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets a persistent object given its unique ID.
getObject(PersistentID, Class) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Obtains an object given a PersistentID and a class reference.
getObjectID() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.GlobalPersistentID
getOperator(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Returns operator associated with specified key.
getOperatorMap() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Returns internal operator map.
getPersistentID(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets the PersistentID associated with a Persistent object.
getPropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
getPropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
Obtains the PropertyDescriptor for a property name.
getPropertyDescriptorByNormalFieldName(Store, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
getPropertyDescriptorByNormalFieldName(Store, String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
getPropertyName() - Method in exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet.ConversionException
getPropertyNames() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Index
getPropertyType() - Method in exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet.ConversionException
getRemoveFieldStatement(Connection, String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets a Statement that removes a field.
getRenamedFrom() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
getRenameFieldStatements(Connection, String, String, FieldDescriptor, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets a sequence of Statements that can rename a field.
getRenameFieldStatements(Connection, String, String, FieldDescriptor, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDatabase
Deprecated. Renames field and changes other settings by copying data to a temporary field.
getResultSetValue(int, String, int, ResultSet) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets an object from the ResultSet.
getRootMap() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets the PersistentMap instance used by the get() and put() methods in this class.
getSqlType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
getStore() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentMap
getStore(Servlet, String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet.ServletAccess
Calls getStore(ServletConfig, String, ClassLoader) by passing the servlet configuration of the servlet.
getStore(ServletConfig, String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet.ServletAccess
Calls getStore(ServletContext, String, ClassLoader) by passing a servlet context.
getStore(ServletContext, String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet.ServletAccess
Gets a store based on servlet context parameters.
getStoreInfo(Class) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets a StoreInfo instance corresponding to a persistent class.
getTableName(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
Deprecated. Gets the requested table name.
getTableName(Class) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets the table name used for a given class.
getTableName(int) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
getTypeDeclaration(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Gets the type declaration for a type constant as defined in java.sql.Types.
GlobalPersistentID - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans
A globally unique identifier for persistent objects.
GlobalPersistentID(PersistentID, String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.GlobalPersistentID
GlobalPersistentID(PersistentID, Class) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.GlobalPersistentID
GREATER_THAN - Static variable in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.Operator
Operator greater than (">").


hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.IndexDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.GlobalPersistentID
hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Index
hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentID


id - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.BeanWrapper
IMultiValueContainer - Interface in net.sourceforge.pbeans
IN - Static variable in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.Operator
Index - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans
Represents a database index.
Index(String[]) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Index
Construcst an instance of Index.
Index(boolean, String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Index
Construcst an instance of Index.
Index(boolean, String[], int) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Index
Construcst an instance of Index.
IndexDescriptor - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
Represents a unique or non-unique table index.
IndexDescriptor(String, String[]) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.IndexDescriptor
IndexDescriptor(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.IndexDescriptor
IndexDescriptor(String, boolean, String[], int) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.IndexDescriptor
init(DataSource) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Override this method to obtain metadata information, such as the JDBC URL.
init(DataSource) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
This method should be invoked as soon as the Database implementation is instantiated by a DatabaseFactory.
init(DataSource) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDatabase
initDatabaseInfo() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Initializes some meta-information about the database, particularly about supported types.
insert(String, String, String[], Object[], boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Inserts a record in a table.
insert(String, String, String[], Object[], boolean) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
Inserts a record in the database.
insert(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Attempts to insert a new persistent object in its underlying database table.
inTransaction() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Determines if the current thread is executing within a transaction.
inTransaction() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
inTransaction() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Determines whether the current thread execution point is inside a transaction started by Store.beginTransaction().
IS - Static variable in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.Operator
Operator is (" IS ") for comparing to null.
isAutoIncrementRequested() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
isAutoIncrementRequested() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
isBlob(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
isDecimal(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
isDeleteFields() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
isDeleteFields() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
isDuplicateEntryError(SQLException) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Determines if the SQLException given corresponds to a duplicate record error (such as one given when you try to insert a record with a unique index that already exists.)
isDuplicateEntryError(SQLException) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
Determines whether a SQLException corresponds to a duplicate record error.
isDuplicateEntryError(SQLException) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDatabase
Deprecated. Checks for SQL state 23505 in case SQL99 codes are supported, otherwise makes assumptions based on exception message.
isGlobalReference() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
isLong(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
isNullable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
isPersistable(Class) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Determines if a class is understood by Store as one whose instances can be persisted in a database.
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.FieldDescriptor
isText(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
isTiny(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
isUnique() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.IndexDescriptor
isUnique() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Index
isUserManaged() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
isUserManaged() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
Gets a boolean value indicating whether table creation and alteration is user-managed as opposed to automatic.
iterator() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.IMultiValueContainer
iterator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.MultiValueContainer


LESS_THAN - Static variable in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.Operator
Operator less than ("<").
LIKE - Static variable in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.Operator
LOGICAL_AND - Static variable in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.LogicalOperator
Logical Operator AND (as in select * from table where id = 1 AND fk = 2)
LOGICAL_OR - Static variable in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.LogicalOperator
Logical Operator OR (as in select * from table where id = 2 OR fk = 3)
LogicalOperator - Interface in net.sourceforge.pbeans


marshallValue(PropertyDescriptor, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
marshallValue(PropertyDescriptor, Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
Marshalls a property value except for any of type Persistent.
MissingEntryException - Exception in net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet
MissingEntryException(String, String) - Constructor for exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet.MissingEntryException
MultiValueContainer - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans
MultiValueContainer() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.MultiValueContainer


net.sourceforge.pbeans - package net.sourceforge.pbeans
Contains class Store and main pBeans utilities.
net.sourceforge.pbeans.annotations - package net.sourceforge.pbeans.annotations
Annotations package.
net.sourceforge.pbeans.data - package net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
Database abstraction package.
net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet - package net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet
Servlet engine integration package.
normalizeIndex(String, IndexDescriptor) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Override this method if the database has special requirements on index names, such as global uniqueness or lowercase strings.
normalizeName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Takes a field name or table name as it would be requested by a caller and coverts it to a string as it would be reported by database metadata (for example, as lowercase strings, in some databases.) Override this method if the database has special naming requirements for field or table names.
normalizeName(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
Coverts a field or table name to the name that will actually be used in the database.


operation(String, String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.Operator
Generates SQL operation using given expressions as arguments.
operation(String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.SimpleLogicalOperator
operation(String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.SimpleOperator
Operator - Interface in net.sourceforge.pbeans
Operator generates an SQL operation on two expressions.
operatorString() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.LogicalOperator
like toString(), prints out the operator string (AND or OR ...)
operatorString() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.Operator
operatorString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.SimpleLogicalOperator
operatorString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.SimpleOperator


Persistent - Interface in net.sourceforge.pbeans
Deprecated. Use a PersistentClass annotation instead.
PersistentClass - Annotation Type in net.sourceforge.pbeans.annotations
Annotation that marks a class as persistent.
PersistentID - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans
Special property type which may be used instead of explicit persistent object references in order to define relationships between persistent objects.
PersistentMap<TKey,TValue> - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans
A persistent map of strings to Persistent objects.
PersistentMap() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentMap
PersistentProperty - Annotation Type in net.sourceforge.pbeans.annotations
Annotation for a persistent bean property.
PropertyIndex - Annotation Type in net.sourceforge.pbeans.annotations
This annotation can be part of an array with which PersistentClass.indexes() is set.
put(Object, Object, Operator) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Same as HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object), but also associates specified comparison operator with the key.
put(Object, Object, LogicalOperator) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Same as HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object), but also associates specified logical operator with the key.
put(Object, Object, Operator, LogicalOperator) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Same as HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object), but also associates specified logical and comparison operator with the key.
put(TKey, TValue) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentMap
Maps a key to a value.
put(String, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Associates a persistent object with a name.
putLogicalOperator(Object, LogicalOperator) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Specifies logical operator to use on the key.
putObject(TKey, TValue) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentMap
putOperator(Object, Operator) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Specifies operator to use on the key.


query(String, Object[], BeanUnmarshaller) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Queries the database.
query(String, Object[], BeanUnmarshaller) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
Performs a database query.


register(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Informs this Store about a new persistent object.
registerBean(Long) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.BeanUnmarshaller
releaseConnectionWrapper(ConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
relinquishLock(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
If the matching call to requestLock requested a transaction, this method ends it, and also relinquishes the Java lock.
relinquishLock(boolean) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
Gives up a lock previously obtained by invoking requestLock in the current thread.
relinquishLock() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Relinquishes a lock previously obtained with Store.requestLock(Class, String, int).
relinquishLock(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Relinquishes a lock previously obtained with Store.requestLock(Class, String, int).
reload(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Repopulates Persistent object properties with stored data.
remove(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Removes the mapping for the specified key from this criteria if present.
remove(TKey) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentMap
Removes a mapping for the given key, if it exists.
remove(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Removes an association of a name with a persistent object.
removeLogicalOperator(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Removes logical operator used for the specified key.
removeObject(TKey) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentMap
removeOperator(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Criteria
Removes operator used for the specified key.
requestLock(String, int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Requests a Java thread lock, in addition to starting a transaction, if not already in one.
requestLock(String, int) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
Requests a record lock.
requestLock(Class, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Requests a lock with a transaction isolation level of TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED.
requestLock(Class, String, int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Requests entrance to a critical section of code for both Java threads and database alterations.
requiresKeyLength() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Determines whether the database requires a key length qualifier for indexes on text fields.
ResultsIterator<T> - Interface in net.sourceforge.pbeans.data
An extension of java.util.Iterator for objects obtained from a database connection.
rollback(Savepoint) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
rollback(Savepoint) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database


save(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Updates the database record previously created for a Persistent object.
save(Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Saves an object in the database.
select(Class) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets an iterator of all stored instances of the given class.
select(Class, Map) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Finds all stored instances matching the property values given.
select(Class, Map, String, boolean, Integer) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Finds stored instances matching the property values given.
select(Class, Map, String, boolean, Integer, BeanFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Finds stored instances matching the property values given.
select(Class, String, Object[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
General-purpose method for arbitrary SQL queries that return an iterator of beans.
select(Class, String, Object[], BeanFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
General-purpose method for arbitrary SQL queries that return an iterator of beans.
selectParts(Object, Class, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets an iterator of objects of the given class which have a "foreign key" property value equal to the containerBean given.
selectParts(PersistentID, Class, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Gets an iterator of objects of the given class which have a "foreign key" property value equal to the containerBeanID given.
selectParts(PersistentID, Class, Class, String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Queries beans linked to a given bean by means of an intermediate class.
selectSingle(Class, String, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Finds a stored instance with the property value given.
selectSingle(Class, Map) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Finds a stored instance matching the property values given.
selectSingle(Class, Map, String, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Finds a stored instance matching the property values given.
ServletAccess - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet
Utilities that facilitate usage of pBeans in servlet engines.
ServletAccess() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.servlet.ServletAccess
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, that a pooled connection may be idle before it is discarded.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.DefaultDatabaseFactory
Sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, that a connection may be idle before it is discarded.
setDriverClassName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
Sets mandatory property driverClassName, the name of the JDBC Driver class (e.g.
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
setMaxConnections(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Sets the maximum number of simultaneous open connections.
setMaxConnections(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.DefaultDatabaseFactory
Sets the maximum number of simultaneously open connections that a Database is expected to hold.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentMap
setParameter(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Sets a PrepartedStatement parameter.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
Sets properties passed to Driver.connect method.
setProperty(Object, String, Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.BeanUnmarshaller
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
setSavepoint(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
setStore(Store) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentMap
This transient Store value must be set before map methods can work.
setUrl(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.GenericDataSource
Sets mandatory property url, the JDBC connection URL.
shouldCloseConnectionAfterTransaction() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Determines if the database connection should be closed after a commit.
SimpleLogicalOperator - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans
SimpleLogicalOperator(String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.SimpleLogicalOperator
SimpleOperator - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans
SimpleOperator generates a simple operation on two expressions.
SimpleOperator(String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.SimpleOperator
size() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.IMultiValueContainer
size() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.MultiValueContainer
sqlStateType - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Store - Class in net.sourceforge.pbeans
A Store instance provides mapping of Java objects (beans) to relational database tables and vice-versa.
Store(DataSource, DatabaseFactory, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Constructs a Store instance.
Store(DataSource) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Constructs a Store instance.
Store(DataSource, int, int) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Constructs a Store instance.
Store(DataSource, int, int, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
StoreException - Exception in net.sourceforge.pbeans
Exception thrown by Store methods, generally when there's a database error.
StoreException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreException
StoreException(Exception) - Constructor for exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreException
StoreException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreException
StoreInfo - Interface in net.sourceforge.pbeans
For any class Clazz that implements Persistent, you may define Clazz_StoreInfo which implements this interface (but note that this technique is deprecated in favor of PersistentClass annotations).
supportsAutoIncrement() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Determines if the database supports auto-increment primary keys.


toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.GlobalPersistentID
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentID
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.SimpleLogicalOperator
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.SimpleOperator
TransientProperty - Annotation Type in net.sourceforge.pbeans.annotations
Properties that need to be transient should be tagged with this annotation.
typesMatch(int, int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Checks whether two SQL types match when trying to determine if a field declaration should be changed.


unmarshallValue(PropertyDescriptor, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.AbstractStoreInfo
unmarshallValue(PropertyDescriptor, Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.StoreInfo
Unarshalls a field value except for any of type Persistent.
update(String, Object[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.AbstractDatabase
Executes an insert or update operation in the database.
update(String, Object[]) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.Database
Executes a database statement.
update(Class, String, String[], Object[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.Store
Executes an arbitrary database update.


valueOf(String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.GlobalPersistentID
valueOf(String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pbeans.PersistentID