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pBeans2 Persistence Layer

Object Relational Mapping (ORM) for Java
(Now even easier)


pBeans is a Java persistence layer and an object/relational database mapping (ORM) framework. It is designed to be simple to use and automated.

The idea is that you save time and effort by simply focusing on writing Java classes, and not worrying about maintenance of matching SQL scripts, schema evolution, XML based schemas, or generating code. The pBeans framework takes care of persisting JavaBeans with little assistance from the developer.

Major features

  • Automatic Table Creation and Schema Evolution.- Tables corresponding to JavaBean classes are created on demand. Field types are based, by default, on JavaBean compile-time types. Field type changes and new fields are detected. Manually changing tables (user-managed mode) is also supported.
  • Based on Annotated JavaBeans.- You define a getter and setter for each bean property. Persisent bean classes only need to be tagged with a @PersistentClass annotation.
  • Transitive Persistence.- If object A is persisted and it refers to Persistent object B, then object B is automatically persisted. If Persistent object C also refers to B, and C is also persisted, the record for object B in the database is not duplicated.
  • Instance Consistency.- If you retrieve an object from persistent storage that is already known to exist in main memory, you get a reference to the object in main memory. (Garbage collection is allowed to happen via weak references.)
  • Near-Zero Configuration.- There is no need to define schemas or anything of the sort in a language other than Java, and there are no code generation steps of any kind. No XML or SQL need to be written, except the necessary to create a database and grant user permissions. However, you can instruct pBeans to let you manage database modifications manually.
  • Database features.- Transactions and auto-increment IDs (MySQL only) are now supported.
  • Flexibility.- Via annotations users are allowed to define their own table and field names, the name of the primary key, whether fields are nullable, whether tables are user-managed (not automatically modified), table indexes, unique or otherwise, whether unused fields should be deleted, whether a field is nullable, whether it is renamed from another field (to prevent loss of data when a property is renamed), etc.
  • Servlet support.- A pBeans store may be easily configured using servlet context parameters (see ServletAccess.)


  • J2EE/J2SE 5+.
  • A JDBC Driver.
  • A Relational Database.
    pBeans supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer and HSQLDB by default. Support for additional databases may be "plugged in" by implementing a class named net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.[database].DatabaseImpl that extends AbstractDatabase.

Getting started

  1. Add lib/pbeans.jar and your JDBC driver JAR to your CLASSPATH variable. (MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server JDBC driver JARs are redistributed in the ext directory.)

  2. Create a blank database and a database user with read/write and table creation/modification (DDL) privileges.

  3. For recommended servlet setup, see the pertinent section below. For general usage, you need to obtain a DataSource instance, which may be done by instantiating a class provided with the JDBC driver you will use. It is probably easiest to instantiate GenericDataSource as follows:

          import net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.*; 
          import net.sourceforge.pbeans.*; 
          import javax.sql.*; 
          DataSource dataSource = new GenericDataSource(); 
    In case you are using JTDS (SQL Server):

          import net.sourceforge.pbeans.data.*;
          import net.sourceforge.pbeans.*;
          import javax.sql.*; 
          DataSource dataSource = new GenericDataSource(); 

  4. Create an instance of Store by passing the DataSource you obtained in the previous step. It is preferable to have only one instance of Store per database in your Java process.

  5. For each of your entities, create a JavaBean that is tagged by the @PersistentClass annotation. Class properties (defined by getters and setters) are assumed to be persistent by default. Mark your transient properties with @TransientProperty.

  6. Finally, invoke methods on class Store to insert, save, delete, look up records, begin transactions, find the unique IDs of your objects, etc.

pBeans2: Now even easier

pBeans v1.x allowed definition of unique indexes, custom field names and so on by means of a decoration class with a name such as User_StoreInfo; a technique similar to the way beans may be decorated with a BeanInfo class. pBeans2 uses annotations instead. A persistent class may now look as follows:
public class User {
    private String userName;
    private String passwordHash;

    public String getUserName() {
        return this.userName;

    public String setUserName(String un) {
        this.userName = un;

    public String getPasswordHash() {
        return this.passwordHash;

    public void setPasswordHash(String ph) {
        this.passwordHash = ph;              

    public void setPassword(String pwd) {
        this.passwordHash = Hash.getMD5Hash(pwd);

    public void isPasswordMatch(String pwd) {
        return Hash.getMD5Hash(pwd).equals(this.passwordHash);

pBeans2 introduces many annotation elements that provide additional flexibility.

Servlet HOWTO

pBeans2 provides a facility named ServletAccess which helps the caller obtain a common Store instance as defined in servlet context parameters. A web.xml file set up to use pBeans may look as follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

    <!-- Note the &amp; -->

  <!-- Other configuration here -->


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